good will

英 [ɡʊd wɪl] 美 [ɡʊd wɪl]




  1. He questioned the government's commitment to peace and called on it to make a gesture of good will
  2. They are prepared to hand back a hundred prisoners of war a day as a sign of good will
  3. Democracy is based on good will and mutual understanding.
  4. We'll provide you with a loan of three million yuan as an expression of our good will.
  5. No good will come of doing it this way.
  6. Good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil; if the reward is not forthcoming, it is because the time has not yet come; when the time comes, one will get one's due reward.
  7. Making predictions for the year ahead is always a hazardous business, by its nature dependent on the good will of readers, not to mention short memories.
  8. But its moves in the past several months are eroding all of that good will.
  9. The point is to become widely known as the'go-to'person for a particular thing, so that your reputation and your career do not depend solely, or even mainly, on the good will of this one boss.
  10. Although good will be done to Israel, in your family line there will never be an old man.
  11. Georgia leader Mikhail Saakashvili also spoke of numerous problems, noting optimistically, however, that none of them are insoluble given the presence of good will.
  12. What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?
  13. Convince yourself, nothing good will come out if you fret and do nothing about it.
  14. A civil society demands from each of us good will and respect, fair dealing and forgiveness.
  15. If you can carry on, one day something good will happen.
  16. As a citizen, I can use all my intelligence and all my good will to develop political means that shall be of the same kind and quality as the ideal ends which I am trying to achieve.
  17. An article on the website Consumerist points out that the practice could result in greedy, cheap jerks taking advantage of others 'good will.
  18. Like other intelligent people of good will, he wanted China to be understood by Westerners, and he believed that he had something to say about China that was not said in other books.
  19. Belief in God as infinite good will and all-seeing Wisdom whose everlasting arms sustain me walking on the sea of life.
  20. The wonder is why we are so stingy with our good will, why we hold onto thoughts of hatred and revenge.
  21. By just saying thank you will increase motivation and good will, which will contribute to making your workplace a happier and more productive place.
  22. Friends, in this time of happiness, joy and good will to accompany you!
  23. A good name, like good will, is got by many action and lost by one.
  24. Around 20 awards were handed out at this year's ceremony, among which the best overseas influence award has been presented to Yang Mi, who is also the film festival's good will ambassador.
  25. Everything being settled the dog flew at the monkey with open mouth. The monkey immediately leaped on his back, and, grasping the dogs ear, beat away at his head with such good will that his adversary speedily gave in.
  26. I am regularly inspired by the good will, talent and idealism of the young people I meet across the world.
  27. When that wasn't forthcoming, they wrote and starred in Good Will Hunting, which won a Best Screenplay Oscar for the pair.
  28. Realize that something good will come from this ( I call this The Change Guarantee). Write it down somewhere visible.
  29. The underlying principle is the belief that if you wish evil, then good will come.
  30. The devout of this world perform their rituals without guarantee that anything good will ever come of it.



  1. a disposition to kindness and compassion
    1. the victor's grace in treating the vanquished

    Synonym:    gracegoodwill

  2. the friendly hope that something will succeed

      Synonym:    goodwill

    1. (accounting) an intangible asset valued according to the advantage or reputation a business has acquired (over and above its tangible assets)

        Synonym:    goodwill